Transform your health: break free from preventable suffering

At Elav Health, we believe that health is a human right and should not just be accessible, but achievable for all.

Lasting change, not another false start: Rewrite your health story

Unlock your inner health champion
Discover the confidence to make lasting health changes. Our personal coaching empowers you to:
Overcome self-doubt and limiting beliefs
Build a track record of small wins
Develop resilience in the face of setbacks
With Elav Health, you'll not just believe in your ability to change – you'll prove it to yourself.
Achieve what matters most
Turn overwhelming health goals into manageable, exciting milestones. Our proprietary method helps you:
Identify your most impactful health priorities
Break big goals into achievable daily actions
Stay motivated with our proven progress tracking system
Experience the power of focused, strategic health improvement.
Success supported by your circle
Transform your environment into a catalyst for health. Our unique approach helps you:
Communicate your health goals effectively to loved ones
Create a supportive home environment for healthy choices
Balance personal health goals with family and social life
Learn to thrive in your unique social context, whether living solo, partnered, or with family.
Our Unique Approach

The Elav Health
Learning Framework

At Elav Health, we understand that true health transformation is a learning journey. Our proprietary three-step framework combines scientific evidence with personalized coaching to ensure lasting change. Here's how we guide you to sustainable health:


Gain clarity through self-discovery
Dedicate time to understand your current health patterns
Identify unconscious patterns and their triggers
Set realistic, motivating goals that balance challenge and achievability
Create a personalised health baseline as your starting point


Explore and experiment with new health habits
Engage in creative exercises to unlearn old patterns
Discover enjoyable ways to incorporate healthy choices into your routine
Test various strategies to find what works best for you
Build confidence through small, consistent wins


Embed new habits into your daily life
Learn the science of habit formation and neuroplasticity
Practice decision-making techniques for long-term health
Develop strategies to maintain healthy choices in challenging situations
Create a sustainable health routine that fits your lifestyle

Key differentiators

With Elav Health, you're not just following a program - you're learning to master your health for life. Our approach ensures that you not only achieve your immediate health goals but also gain the knowledge and skills to maintain optimal well-being long after our coaching ends.
Evidence-Based Approach
Our methods are grounded in the latest health and behavioral science research.
Your journey is unique, and so is our approach to your health transformation.
We address all aspects of health - physical, mental, and social - for comprehensive well-being.
Our focus is on long-term lifestyle changes, not quick fixes or fad solutions.
Empowerment Through Education
We don't just tell you what to do; we teach you why and how, enabling you to become your own health expert.

Discover the Elav Difference


Make Today the Last 'Day One' of Your Health Journey

You've conquered countless challenges in your life and work. Yet, when it comes to your health, do you find yourself repeatedly starting over, each attempt tinged with the memory of past setbacks?
Whether it's managing stress, optimising sleep, or integrating consistent healthy habits into your demanding schedule, that nagging voice whispering 'I should be doing better' is all too familiar.
We understand. The cycle of recommitting to your health only to fall short can be demoralising. But here's the truth: Your past attempts weren't failures – they were stepping stones.
At Elav Health, we empower you to break this cycle for good. Our approach isn't about quick fixes or one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead, we offer:
Personalised health education rooted in cutting-edge science
Strategies tailored to your unique context and lifestyle
Professional coaching that turns setbacks into valuable insights
You've achieved excellence in your career. Now, let's apply that same dedication to your well-being.
Ready to transform your health journey from a series of fresh starts to a continuous path of growth?

Transform Your Health,
Reclaim Your Life

Are you feeling...
Constantly on the edge of burnout, struggling to manage ever-increasing demands?
Drained of energy, despite your best efforts to stay on top of your game?
Frustrated by inconsistent sleep that leaves you feeling unrested?
Overwhelmed by the challenge of integrating healthy habits into your busy life?
Concerned about the long-term impact of stress on your physical and mental well-being?
Torn between career ambitions and maintaining a balanced, healthy lifestyle?
Unsure how to optimise your health while juggling professional and family responsibilities?
Here’s the secret: you're not alone. These challenges are common among all of us, but they don't have to be your normal.

Imagine a life where you:

Thrive under pressure, managing stress with confidence and ease
Maintain consistent energy levels throughout your demanding day
Sleep soundly and wake up truly refreshed, ready to tackle new challenges
Seamlessly integrate healthy habits into your professional and personal routines
Feel physically and mentally resilient, even during high-stakes projects
Achieve your career goals without sacrificing your health and relationships
Lead by example, inspiring your team and family with your vibrant well-being

Go beyond quick fixes:

Evidence-based strategies to manage stress and prevent burnout
Personalised energy management techniques to combat fatigue and optimise productivity
Science-backed sleep hygiene practices for consistently restorative nights
Holistic lifestyle integration plans that work with your unique schedule and responsibilities
Mindfulness and self-regulation tools to enhance your mental clarity and emotional balance
Nutrition and exercise guidance tailored to your preferences and time constraints
Leadership wellness strategies to amplify your professional impact while preserving your health

With Elav Health, you will:

Not only address your immediate health concerns but also gain the knowledge and tools to maintain your well-being for life. Our unique educational approach empowers you to become your own health expert, making informed decisions that align with your long-term goals and values.

Your transformation starts here. Don't let another day pass feeling less than your best self.

"My experience with Elav Health was extremely positive. I came to them as someone who had grown up in an alcoholic family and was struggling with residual trauma, anxiety and trouble in my own relationships. The Elav Health coaches’ knowledge about alcoholic family systems and the connection between mind and body gave me clarity in how to regulate my emotions, treat myself with care, and communicate and set boundaries within my relationships. Elav Health has been so helpful, and I continue to use the information and skills they have given me."


Elav Health 1:1 coaching client

"Silja is the best health coach in the country. Every executive should work with her. She creates a unique environment of trust and openness and this in itself is life changing."

Mikk Maal

Executive @ Comistar, Blockchain entrepreneur

"The breadth and depth of topics to which Elav Health coaching will confidently and understandingly follow you, seem infinite. They truly give you the feeling to be right there with you, both emotionally and intellectually. The reasoning and empathy of Elav Health coaches are flawless, I honestly was baffled numerous times by how quickly and accurately my coach Silja was able to provide guidance and advice. It is a rare talent. Thank you, Silja."

Joachim Bervoets

Ph.D. Candidate, University of Maastricht

Transform Your Health Journey Today

Get the health education you never received fundamental to changing your health habits.